Alison Jones
BA, LLB, Cert IV TAE Australian Legal Practitioner
Head of Education Delivery - VIC
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Arts
Certificate IV Training and Assessment
At Leo Cussen
Alison is currently the Head of Education Delivery – Victoria.
Before moving into the Head of Education Delivery role, Alison was the Acting Director of PLT for a period of 18 months.
She has worked at Leo Cussen as a mentor, Lead Mentor, Progress Mentor and Topic coordinator for many years. At various times she was topic coordinator for Civil Litigation, Family Law, Administrative Law, Taxation as well as Legal Research and Interviewing and Drafting. She enjoys participating in course design, teaching/ conducting workshops and moot courts, mentoring trainees/grads and guiding their work.
Before Leo Cussen
Alison has extensive and varied experience as a lawyer in the areas of commercial and insurance litigation, probate litigation and family law. She did her Articles of Clerkship with a medium-sized city law firm and continued to work there for a further two years in the litigation department before joining the litigation department of another large city firm. She then worked for a boutique family law and probate litigation firm for many years. She has tutored in Contract Law at Monash University (where she obtained her LLB) and was an Instructor at Leo Cussen in the topic of civil litigation before joining as a Mentor. Alison continued to practice in family law and civil litigation after she joined Leo Cussen and holds a current practising certificate.
Alison is a member of the Law Institute of Victoria and has been a member for over 30 years. She is a former member and Chair of the Education Committee of the Young Lawyers Section of the LIV.
From 2014 to 2020, Alison was a member of the Human Ethics Research Committee at the Cairnmillar Institute School of Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy.