Alison Umbers
Lawyer & Mentor
Bachelor of Commence
Bachelor of Laws
Australian Legal Practitioner
At Leo Cussen
Alison is a Mentor in Practical Legal Training to full time online trainees.
Before Leo Cussen
Prior to becoming a mentor at Leo Cussen, Alison was an external instructor assisting in the civil litigation practice topic, and regular presenter of Leo Cussen CPD sessions.
Areas of Current Practice
Since 2009, Alison has practised as a barrister at the Victorian Bar specialising in commercial disputes, with particular expertise in personal and corporate insolvency. She has experience in matters where insolvency intersects with other areas of law, including the insolvency aspects of deceased estates and family law.
Alison regularly advises and appears for statutory authorities, business owners, liquidators, receivers and trustees in bankruptcy.
Alison is a member of the Victorian Bar, the Commercial Bar Association and the Law Institute of Victoria.
Achievements/Special Interests
Alison was accredited by the Law Institute of Victoria as a specialist in commercial litigation in 2004. She was a member of the LIV Commercial Litigation Advisory Committee for over ten years.
Alison is committed to maintaining a collegiate and supportive environment for barristers on her list and at the Victorian Bar generally. She is a member of the List Committee of List S, as well as its Treasurer, and has served on Health & Wellbeing and Equality & Diversity Committees of the Victorian Bar.
Alison is also a nationally accredited mediator.